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Finding you the right mobile option
Accept Phones has helped thousands of UK customers find the right mobile phone or SIM contract. We work with multiple networks, handset providers and contract brokers to make sure that every customer is presented with the right options.
We're proud of helping customers who may be overwhelmed with options and even those who don't know what their options are - With Accept Phones, we're your single source of multiple different deals (whether SIM or phone contracts)
We provide customers with a wide variety of mobile phone options that are suited to different credit levels and affordabilities.
Ongoing support in your search for a deal
If you still can't find a mobile option that suits your needs we're constantly updating our methods and searching out for the latest offers from the major networks or elsewhere.
If you don't want to miss out on the latest affordable smartphones or hot no-credit-check SIMs then we can keep you updated via email or SMS. We're on a mission to find EVERY customer a deal so if we can help you we'll do our best.
Bad Credit Mobile Options Explained

Low-Cost Phone Contracts: Our most popular option is a phone contract for bad credit. This is usually a more low-cost handset from a manufacturer that has a much more affordable range of phone contract options. Manufacturers like Apple, Samsung and Huawei know that not every can afford or wants a £1,000 smartphone. To make sure that EVERY customer has a mobile option available, they develop lower-cost handsets that use much the same technology as their flagship handsets but reduce the costs by replacing glass or aluminium with plastic or having lower-spec parts like a previous-generation chips and operating systems.
Customers with bad credit looking for a phone contract usually find these handsets are much more appropriate due to the lower costs and lower credit risk - It's important to remember though that these handsets still do involve a credit check!
SIM Only Contracts: In our opinion, SIM only contracts are the best product for customers with bad credit. SIM deals often have much less stringent credit checks and there are even some which require no credit check at all but still give you a fantastic deal!
Wherever a customer has an "OK" handset left over from a previous contract or something they've bought elsewhere (maybe your mum or dad gave you theirs?) we would recommend customers switch to a much lower-cost SIM contract. This does two things: 1) it lowers your bills, giving you alittle extra in the bank to save for your next handset, and 2) it builds your credit score and reputation with a network - Some networks even offer customers a mobile once they've used a sim for a few months.
No Credit Check Mobiles: Want a guaranteed mobile phone despite your credit? An option that some of our customers choose is to work with a network which offers customers a high-end handset once they've established a payment history. These usually charge a higher monthly fee due to the higher risk of not credit checking. You will usually get a decent data allowance and the choice of multiple phones at different payment levels

So what can I do?
If you're worried about bad credit affecting your application for a mobile, the most important advice is to be very cautious about applying for an expensive phone contract.
Applying for multiple credit products and being rejected can have an adverse effect on your credit rating. We will always recommend a low-cost phone, SIM contract or more expensive no credit check mobile contract for customers with bad credit.
We believe in finding an appropiate phone contract is better than the most high-tech or expensive contract that a customer is highly likely to be rejected forrather than applying for a smartphone you will be rejected for.
Can I really get a guaranteed phone contract?
There really are mobile options out there that don't require a credit check! We have both no credit check SIM only deals and no credit check phone contracts that we can recommend to customers. No credit check SIM deals are particularly great for bad credit because they are very flexible (they can be changed usually every month) and are incredibly affordable. Some SIM contracts with no credit even have unlimited data options for less than £20!
Guaranteed phone contracts or no credit check phone contracts provide you with a handset without doing any credit checks but because of the risk of lending customers smartphones, will usually charge higher than other mobile retailers. We beleive that if customer want a high-end smartphone AND can afford them then they are a good option.
What are the best phone contracts for bad credit?
We help customers find all sorts of options for their next mobile deal, whether it's a no credit check mobile or SIM, a pay monthly SIM or normal pay monthly phone contract. Where we differ from most mobile phone retailers, we don't promote the more expensive, higher-spec handsets with large monthly payments and deposits because we know they're usually not the best option for our customers.
We search, every month, for the best low-cost phone contracts that are perfect for bad credit and make sure that our customers are getting a great deal. The UK has many mobile networks with a huge variety of smartphones and types of deal so we make sure that our customers are getting the most appropriate deal for their circumstances.
If you'd like to read a bit more about what we think makes a good bad credit phone contract then you can read our quick guide here
As a quick and basic guide, if you have bad credit you should find a mobile deal that:
- Has a low-cost handset but with most of the features you want
- Is usually an Android smartphone - Apple handsets are still expensive, even for lower-spec models
- Has a deposit that you can comfortably pay - this reduces the credit "risk" to the retailer or network
- Has a low but acceptable data allowance to keep costs down - some retailers can guide you in finding the appropriate amount if you don't need unlimited data
If you think it's right for you, SIM only contracts are a great option for bad credit. SIM deals are usually low-cost, have better acceptance criteria and - if you opt for a no-credit-check SIM - flexible on a month-to-month basis and can be cancelled at any time.
How do I get started?
We've worked to make the process easy, just fill in your details above and we can either find you a deal or connect you with one of our partners who can work with you to find the right phone contract for you
Fast Decision
No Hassle Search
There's nothing worse than waiting. We've worked in mobile for years so we work with only the slickest mobile and SIM providers to make sure you get a decision fast - That way you can stop searching and start enjoying your deal.
Flexible Deals
Mobiles For Everyone
Whether you want to pay for your phone upfront, over a few months or pay for it on a week-by-week basis we've got the deal for you. To find out more about what options are available just apply above.
Affordable Prices
Big Plans for less!
If you don't mind which network you use then you have a huge number of possibilities to save you money on your mobile. It's easy to move your number to a network to make sure you get a deal you love.